
 Misconception 6
" Antarctica's ice sheets are growing, so it must not be true that global warming is causing glaciers and sea ice to melt."

Some ice on Antarctica may be growing -- though other areas of the continent are clearly melting and a new 2006 study shows that overall the ice is shrinking in Antarctica.
Even if some of the ice is getting bigger, not shrinking, this doesn't change the fact that global warming is causing glaciers and sea ice to melt around the world.
Globally, more than 85% of glaciers are shrinking.
And in any case, localized impacts of climate change don't cancel out the global trends that scientists are observing.
Some people also mistakenly claim (in Michael Crichton's novel State of Fear, for instance) that Greenland's ice is growing.
In fact, recent satellite data from NASA shows that Greenland's ice cap is shrinking every year, causing sea levels to rise.
The loss of that ice doubled from 1996 to 2005.  Greenland lost 50 cubic kilometers of ice in 2005 alone.


就算有些冰層在成長,全球暖化造成冰河和海冰融化仍是事實,全球有超過85% 的冰河都在減退,局部地區的增加並沒有辦法抵銷科學家觀測到的全球性減少趨勢。

Misconception 7
" Global warming is a good thing, because it will rid us of frigidwinters and make plants grow more quickly."

This myth just doesn't seem to die.  Because local impacts will vary, it's true that some specific places may experience more pleasant winter weather.
But the negative impact of climate change vastly outweighs any local benefits.
Take the oceans, for example.
Changes to the oceans caused by global warming are already causing massive die-offs of coral reefs, which are crucial sources of food and shelter for creatures at every stage of the ocean food chain, all the way up to us.
Melting ice sheets are causing sea levels to rise, and if big ice sheets melt into the ocean, many coastal cities around the world will flood and millions of people will become refugees.
There are just some of the consequences of global warming.
Other predicted impacts include prolonged periods of drought, more severe flooding, more intense storms, soil erosion, mass species extinction, and human health risks from new diseases.
The small number of people who experience better weather may be doing it in a landscape that is nearly unrecognizable.



Misconception 8
" The warming scientists are recording is just the effect of cities trapping heat, rather than anything to do with green house gases."

People who want to deny global warming because it's easier than dealing with it try to argue that what scientists are really observing is just the "urban heat island" effect, meaning that cities tends to trap heat because of all the buildings and asphalt.
This is simply wrong.
Temperature measurements are generally taken in parks, which are actually cool areas within the urban heat islands.
And long-term temperature records showing just rural areas are nearly identical to long-term records that include both rural areas and cities.
Most scientific research shows that "urban heat islands" have a negligible effect on the overall warming of the planet.



Misconception 9
" Global warming is the result of a meteor that crashed in Siberia in the early 20th century."

This may sound absurd to some of us, but it's real hypothesis suggested by a Russian scientist.
So what's wrong with it?  Basically, everything.
The impact of a meteor, much like a volcanic eruption, might have immediate effects on climate if it were large enough.
But there is no record of warming or cooling during the period after this meteor hit.
The effects that would have been produced by the meteor would have involved water vapor, which only stays in the upper atmosphere for a few years at the most.
Any effects would have been short-term, and could not be felt this far in the  future.



Misconception 10
" Temperatures in some areas aren't increasing, so global warming is a myth."

It is certainly true that the temperature is not rising at every point on the planet.
In Michael Crichton's novel The State of Fear, characters pass around graphs that show specific places around the world where temperatures are decreasing slightly or remaining the same.
The graphs represent real data from real scientists.
But while they may be fact, they don't prove the point. 
Global warming refers to the rise in the average temperature of the entire Earth's surface due to increased levels of greenhouse gases.
Because the climate is an incredibly complex system, the impacts of climate change will not be the same everywhere.
Some areas of the globe -- such as northern Europe -- might actually become colder. 
But this does not change the fact that overall, the surface temperature of the planet is rising, as are the temperatures of our oceans. 
The gains have been demonstrated by several types of measurements -- including satellite data -- that all show the same general results.



from An Inconvenient Truth written by Albert Gore, translated by waitingchen

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